Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Come Holy Spirit

In 1913 our religious family, the Missionary Cenacle Family, began a perpetual novena to the Holy Spirit. To this day there are always two or three groups of our sisters, our lay groups, or brothers and priests praying the Novena. During the nine days before Pentacost Sunday we all pray the Novena.

We offer the Novena for the following intentions:
  • for the spread of devotion to the Most Blessed Trinity, in a particular way to the Holy Spirit
  • for the spread of the knowledge of and devotion to the mystery of the Incarnation and all the mysteries of our Lord Jesus
  • to exalt in the holy name of Jesus
  • to console the heart of Jesus
  • for priests
  • for the success of the Ecumenical movement and for the coming of the reign of God among all God's people.
Here's a link to the Novena prayers: