My or our community evolved from a group of laity, who were gathered together by Fr. Thomas Judge CM.
His big concern was the people who were Catholic, but were in the pews on Sunday, who weren't receiving the Sacraments, who were losing the faith.
So no matter what we do, be it social worker, pastoral ministry, religious education or retreat work, that concern for those, at risk of losing their faith, is of great concern.
So the Church's thrust for New Evangelization dovetails with our charism to work for the preservation of the faith.
Pope Francis' recent themes on Missionary Spirit and Evangelization say more clearly than I can, the path we Catholics need to follow in the work of sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. Here's a couple of link's to the Pope's recent words that I find very inspiring; on evangelization:
and on being a missionary:
We are in the time of the Novena to the Holy Spirit as Pentecost is May 19th.
Here's our Novena: