Saturday, May 19, 2012

From our beginnings as a group the Missionary Cenacle Family has had a devotion to God the Holy Spirit. Our founder Fr. Judge imbued the earliest members with the necessity of constant prayer especially to the Holy Spirit. This would help us to be more under the influence of the Holy Spirit and to make sure our actions were under the impulse of the Holy Spirit and not our own desires or blind judgement.

Recently I came across this quote which sums up my  belief in the Holy Spirit,
The Spirit of God is like our breath.  God's spirit is more intimate to us than we are to ourselves.  We might not often be aware of it, but without it we cannot live a "spiritual life."   It is the Holy Spirit of God who prays in us, who offers us the gifts of love, forgiveness, kindness, goodness, gentleness, peace, and joy.  It is the Holy Spirit who offers us the life that death cannot destroy.  Let us always pray:  "Come, Holy Spirit, come."

Henry Nouwen

Although I knew about the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost as we said pre-Vatican II from my earliest memories, it was my sister Terry who first taught me that the Holy Spirit would offer guidance and oh so many other gifts to stir our daily living in God's direction.
Asking for the Spirit's guidance and power in daily decisions and actions has become a habit. I know it's given me the power and drive to do so many things that I would never dare do on my own, from quitting smoking 30 years ago, daring to speak Spanish, however badly accented, to being able to make decisions about my life and those of others as a member of our General Council. For me the important thing is the daily prayer and listening to the Holy Spirit. So many times a thought or idea has come to me that I know did not exist in my mind beforehand. When those thoughts and ideas prove to be part of  a plan or project with good fruits it is plain that the Spirit is at work.

Last year one of our sister shared a reflection on the Holy Spirit which included this annotated prayer:

When the Holy Spirit comes to live within a person, she cannot cease to pray because the Holy Spirit prays within her without ceasing. Whether she sleeps or is awake, the work of prayer is always in her heart. 
While she is resting or sharing or working, the incense of prayer rises spontaneously from her heart. 

This prayer of the Spirit is not limited by a determined time or place.It cannot be interrupted. Even the silence within a person becoming free is itself already prayer.

Her thoughts are gently inspired by God.  The slightest movement
of her heart becomes a voice which silently and secretly sings and
chants in the presence of the faithful, loving Trinity!
taken form St. Issac the Syrian – 7th Century

May the knowledge and love of the Holy Spirit spread to every human being.

For ‘In him we live and move and have our being,’Acts 17:28

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